
La jaunisse

what a week gang!

In case you havent heard, we have been fighting jaundice all week (among getting used to living outside of the womb together).. here is a rundown of our week:

Hung out at home with the family, Aunt Sheriden and Grandpa & Grandma Crowley were here
Monday bilirubin level: Unknown, but approaching John Boehner levels (get it? cause he's orange)
Took Emmett to the pediatrician, and in the screener they said he had a high level of bilirubin which is the compound that makes babies look yellow... It builds up when they don't poop enough and don't have their livers fully functioning yet.

Here is what we looking like on our first outing:

To confirm the levels, they sent us to the outpatient hospital for outpatient blood test number 1.  The results came back at 19.3, which for a 4 day old is borderline dangerous.  The pediatrician gave us two options:
1. Go to the hospital, and put the little guy on light therapy and IV.
2. Have a medical delivery company bring out a UV light blanket to use at home.

Needless to say we opted for number 2, cause we didnt want to go back to the hospital.

Here is the light blanket, it breaks down the bilirubin by emiting UV light on his skin, he had to wear this from 8pm till 8am:

Tuesday Bilirubin Level: 19.3
Another blood test at the hospital, another pediatrician appointment (different places).

Level is stable (which is positive) and he is a day older, but still have to rock the light blanket:

Wednesday level: 19.2
In hopes that this will be the last day we have to do this, we head out and get stuck again:

and then the dreaded phone call comes in that he is only down a little.  We also had our first new parent panic, in that he slept for like 7 hours during the day, and we could not wake him up to feed at all.  We ended up talking with the pediatrician and went in to see them again early evening.  Of course he woke up there and fed like a champ.. the ped thought he was just tired after having a fussy night previous.  Also the jaundice makes them a little tired. More light blanket that night and on till the morning test.

Thursday level: 19.1

Another day, another hospital visit, with post pediatrician stopover.

But this time success! Levels dropped to 16.5, but they still wanted us to be on the Light therapy until Midnight and then take him off to confirm that he is actually stable and not just propped up by the blanket.

Friday Level: 16.5

Back to the hospital, then over to the peds.. they like the weight he has been putting on and said he looked good.. the scores came back and... 14.5!!

This means that we can stop doing light therapy.. but we will have to come back in on Monday to confirm that he is for reals getting better.


pick a baby to give birth to that doesnt get jaundice so you can spend the first week at home resting, recovering and hanging with family. ;)

It looks like we will fight another day, hopefully one that doesn't involve two daily stops to medical professionals.

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